
It’s been an interesting year…for may reasons.

The obvious reasons are clear…but widely unseen has been a battle I have been fighting and steps I’ve been taking to try and reclaim lost ground.

You see…I am still dealing with a bunch of mental enemies and mental-health issues. Self-doubt, self-confidence, mental obsessions…finding purpose and meaning in a “world” I was finding myself being pushed out; for whatever reason.

I stopped logging onto my Personal Facebook. I have spent maybe an hour on my Personal Facebook page this whole year. And, you know what? I actually started liking having that open space.

It got me thinking the other day – how can I find this same space and regain my “energy” with other apps I am on?

Which brings me to Instagram.

This network was the wide-open frontier of connecting, engaging, and sharing design, art, coffee, food, and mountain pics. I became eager to connect with as many people as possible…but slowly; those connections and passions have fallen away…

I have found myself following people I haven’t meaningfully engaged with in over 2-5 years. People who I could be in touch with on other networks and mediums. And, honestly, for my own mental health…some people I just shouldn’t be following anymore just due to healing and mental health.

So. I am reclaiming ground. I am taking steps this week and next week to clear out nearly everyone I follow, and will try to only follow people who I have regular contact with…and brands / influencers that I enjoy following on there.

This, likely, will translate to Twitter eventually. But for now, I am taking back the ground of Instagram.

Please know this: If we have been in touch over the past few years and you get an unfollow…it isn’t about you. It’s about me. I am finally in a place where I am comfortable saying that. I finally have realized that taking steps for my mental health is okay…and the people who truly know me and know my heart will understand and also have other ways to keep in touch with me.

So…here we go! Now you know.

I am taking this step and I am honestly excited to reclaim my feed, my mental space, and my time on the app.

Best ahead!


  • I recently deleted Instagram from my phone for the same reason. I fell into a horrible comparison trap there, and I have benefited greatly from removing myself. No regrets! You have to do what is best for you.

    • That’s right! I think this is the best step for now, as I have to use the app for work…and I do have a platform that I want to still speak life into, and share with…just on MY terms; and in healthy ways.

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