Becoming Orthodox: (My Journey so Far)

In the realm of Christian Worship, a diverse array of expressions exists, each with its distinct traditions, practices, and beliefs. This personal exploration has led me through a spectrum of denominations and non-denominational congregations, from the grandeur of the “High Church” to the simplicity of the “Low Church.” Sprinkled into these experiences, my encounters with the Orthodox Church have been particularly transformative, helping me uncover profound connections within Christian Expression and leading me to a deeper understanding of theology.

  • A Kaleidoscope of Worship Experiences
    My spiritual journey involved traversing through a multitude of Christian traditions, exposing me to the intricate tapestry of worship practices that Christians engage in. From charismatic gatherings to solemn liturgies, each expression carries its own allure and holds a place of significance within Christendom.

  • The Dichotomy of “High Church” and “Low Church”
    Within the spectrum of Christian worship, the dichotomy between “High Church” and “Low Church” stands out. “High Church” ceremonies, characterized by their ornate rituals and liturgical grandeur, contrast with the simplicity and informal nature of “Low Church” services. Both of these expressions contribute to the vibrant mosaic of Christian worship, catering to different spiritual needs. I thank and praise God for all expressions of Christian Worship which aim to give glory and honor to the One who deserves it all!

    While experiencing these wide ranges of Christian Expression I couldn’t help but continue to feel a deep need or desire to have more regard or reverence toward “Holy Things”. I noticed that even the best efforts of many “High Church” contexts I encountered fell short of any form of grandeur or weight associated with the sacred acts taking place in the Church. More specifically; Holy Communion or The Eucharist…my heart cried out for a place that would hold these things to the level they were given to us. The precious body and blood of our Savior, after all, being reduced to a neatly packed wafer and juice cup in many “Low Church” expressions didn’t seem right at all.

  • The Orthodox Church’s Unique Offering
    My interactions with the Orthodox Church introduced me to a different dimension of Christian worship. Attending services, whether on feast days or regular Sundays, opened my eyes to the richness of the Liturgy – THE cornerstone of Orthodox worship and expression. The Liturgy serves as a bridge, connecting the historical depth of Christianity with the present moment. All of this culminates with the serving of the Holy Eucharist every single Liturgy. This is the reason why Orthodox gather and Worship…this is “the point” of it all. To partake of His precious body and blood. To remember His victory over Death and Grave.

    There are prayers said, Psalms chanted, scriptures shared, a message given, processions of the precious elements of Holy Communion, incense…gold, marble, fine wood, and adornments for Priests, Deacons, and Acolytes. A deep breath was taken as I noticed every head bowed in reverence and every heart submitted to the weight and majesty of what was about to take place. The Faithful were about to partake of the precious gift of Holy Communion. My heart nearly LEAPS out of my chest every Sunday I got to attend and experience the Liturgy. There was also some jealousy as these Orthodox Faithful got to partake, and I was left to admire and abstain from supping.

  • Solidifying Theological Understanding
    As I immersed myself in the Liturgy, theological concepts that I had encountered in various other Christian contexts began to crystallize. The experience provided a unifying framework for me to grasp the true essence of Christianity. The solid rock of foundational beliefs emerged while the shifting sands of confusion and doubt were washed away; allowing me to anchor my faith more deeply. I was also able to explore hundreds (nearly Thousands) of years of Church History that I was ignorant of for so long.

    There was so much to learn and experience! I finally had a clearer understanding of the history of our Faith. An explanation as to why Protestants believe what they do (not from a critical lens, but a compassionate one). Among many things – a proper view of sin was finally set in place. Recognizing sin as missing the mark, repentance as adjusting, and surrender as learning His commands and walking in Love; all of which is only possible through submitting to God and being empowered by the Holy Spirit. “Picking up our cross” is a phrase often talked about in Orthodox circles…and it is a key element to the life of the Faithful.

    Admitting every time Litergy is given that “Christ came to save sinners, if which I am first…” Learning what it means to walk in faithfulness to Christ, with humility, love, and compassion for my fellow man. Saying the Nicene Creed as it was agreed upon by the Early Church; singing songs that have been sung by the Faithful for hundreds of years. Not to mention the “great cloud of witnesses” that The Church has tracked and honored for hundreds and hundreds of years.

  • Resonating Truths
    Delving further into the teachings and beliefs of the Orthodox Church, I discovered a resonance within my soul that I had not encountered elsewhere. The explanations behind their practices and beliefs struck a chord, aligning with the yearnings of my heart and intellect. This alignment of truth and inner conviction became a powerful catalyst for my decision to take more intentional steps into Orthodoxy.

    Among the largest “ah-ha!” moments for me was learning about people mentioned in scripture; given two or three verses…then never discussed again. These people were real people and I wanted to know their stories. And in The Church; I found them! Saint Ignatius (The Godbearer) was the young child Jesus put on His lap on the Sermon on the Mount. He lived a life devoted to the Lord, and was discipled by St John and St Polycarp. Saint Photini (The Samaritan Woman, or the Woman at the Well); lead her whole family and much of her village to Christ. The list goes on and on.

    The embracing of mystery, the leaning on the Holy Fathers and Mothers for an understanding of Scripture and Holy Things, and the rich history of doubters, and skeptics really resonated with me. I was finally encouraged in my doubt; reminded of the doubts that the Faithful have experienced and had since Christ’s ministry.

  • The Decision to Embrace Orthodoxy
    This happened slowly and suddenly all at once. I’ve been affiliated with the Orthodox Faith for the better part of 20 years. Thanks to my best friend also being Orthodox. One of my first conversations with his dad (Eternal be his memory) was about Holy Orthodoxy and what it all was…and why they did what they did.

    The culmination of these experiences and revelations led me to a profound decision – to formally enter the Holy Orthodox Church. The authenticity, depth, and interconnectedness of the Orthodox faith spoke to me on a level that I could not ignore. This decision represents not just a change in affiliation, but a transformative step toward a more profound relationship with God.

    Christianity – but more specifically – my relationship with Christ has been central to all I have done for a large majority of my life. I have searched the scriptures, I have experienced Christian Expression and Worship across the world, and I truly can say I am convinced that I have found the place where I belong. And, it feels like I’m finally coming home.

To Summerise:
The diversity of Christian worship expressions, from “High Church” to “Low Church,” presents a vibrant spectrum of experiences for believers. My journey through various denominations ultimately led me to embrace the Holy Orthodox Church, where the Liturgy and theological truths converged, solidifying my understanding and deepening my connection with God through Christ Jesus; empowered by the Holy Spirit. As I prepare to step into this new chapter, I am filled with anticipation, knowing that my journey within the Holy Orthodox Church will continue to unfold with spiritual growth and revelation.

One comment

  • I love this journey. So proud of you son. You are loved beyond measure

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